Tuesday, September 08, 2009



*Use task list with visible check-offs to get a sence of accomplishment.

*Note and celebrate each milestone reached in your work.

*Remind yourself that everyone is under stress even boxes.

*Re- establish your vision of success at each milestone.

*Get out of the office at lunch to get a change of scenery often.

*Remember you've survived stress like this before,and you will gain.

*Remember that moment to moment you have choices of everything you do,think and feel.

*Reach out to others you see struggling with stress.

*Post and look at pictures of loved ones and spend more time with them every day.

*Remember you are a human,so don't expect perfection in everything.

*Own your stress and your problems to be able to change them.

*Don't sweat the small stuff.Remember,most of life is the small stuff.

*You often cannot control your stressors,but you can almost always control your response to them.

Embrace difficulties that come your way,and view them as teachers.Learn in them what you need next in life.Use this knowledge and turn it into the wisdom that will help you progress more.Then what were once obstacles turn into stepping stones to success.

Source: Bill Cole,Procoach Systems.

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